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Why does the electric hoist make noise when it is running?


Electric hoist is a small crane equipment, generally used in the production workshop of the enterprise. It has a wide range of uses and is of great help to the production of the enterprise. In the operation of the electric hoist, some faults often occur, the most common of which is abnormal noise. When the electric hoist makes abnormal noise during operation, you should pay attention to solving the problem in time.

First, we need to determine where the noise comes from. If it is in the control circuit, it is generally a fault in the contactor. The faulty contactor should be repaired and replaced if it cannot be repaired. If the motor makes an abnormal noise, we should check the motor in time to see if there is any fault in the bearing, coupling axis and other parts. If the noise comes from the reducer, check the reducer, check whether the reducer box or bearings are lubricated before use, and whether the lubricant is replaced regularly during use. If the lubrication does not meet the requirements, the noise will be heard.

Electric hoists should be inspected and maintained regularly, especially important parts such as motors and reducers. If there is wear and damage, they should be repaired or replaced in time. Lubrication is also very important. When adding and replacing lubricants, pay attention to avoid contamination and keep them clean.

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